
About the Blog

Crinkle-cut or waffle cut? Tater tots or wedges? Loaded fries or sweet potato fries? This blog has been created to inform the reader of the importance of everyone’s favorite fast food side dish; “French Fries.” In order to become the world’s number 1 destination for all french fry related blogs, Couch Potato will do its best in keeping its readers up-to-date on the latest food trends involving the alluring spud. Click the couch button to see our blog!


About the Author

My name is Nick Bowker and currently I am a student and fantasy illustrator living in Dallas, Texas. I am currently attending the University of Texas at Dallas while majoring in the ATEC program. Aside from learning all I can about illustration and pre-production I am also a massive food junkie. I am one of the rare people that would much prefer to go out to eat rather than a home cooked meal. I know, it’s strange. I started my love of fast food when I was a child yet professionally I served as a chef at a deli where one of the main draws for our audience was baked potatoes. This led me to a vast wealth of knowledge on different flavors and culinary styles that I apply to this blog.